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From Mess to Ministry

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The Redeemed Marriage

Published on

September 16, 2024
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The Redeemed Marriage Podcast
From Mess to Ministry

In this week’s episode of The Redeemed Marriage podcast, Rusty and Heather share their incredible journey from a marriage in crisis to a ministry to other marriages. They reflect on their first experience at WinShape Marriage nearly 20 years ago, back it was still under construction and part of a dream to help broken marriages. Fast forward to 2011, after Heather’s confession of an affair, they returned to WinShape for a life-changing marriage intensive that helped save their relationship. Now, as part of the Marriage Collective, Rusty and Heather have come full circle with their latest trip to WinShape. Join them as they recount their powerful testimony of redemption and offer hope to couples in every season of marriage.

WinShape Marriage

Hope Restored Marriage Intensive – Focus on the Family

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